“The Interim”

Album Cover

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To create an album cover for a client’s Christmas album that embodies the style of music it represents and the personalities of the musicians responsible for it.

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The client wanted an album cover depicting simple versions of himself and the co-creator of the album. He wanted a simplistic feel, but also wanted to convey that it was a Christmas album. I started with a sketch like this to get things going.



I started out simple with a traced outline and a working title written in calligraphy on a simple white background.


Further Development

Adding a craft background and holly on the sides boosted the warm holiday feel we were looking for. But the look of the album still needed more development and the album name was still up in the air.


Final solution

I used a “continual line” drawing technique to create a more interesting outline of the two musicians, they decided on an album title, and I added a few finishing touches. The stereo logo was added to give the album the look of an old Christmas record.

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Here is what the album would look like as a real vinyl record.


Exilior Branding


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